Working at the application architecture level requires you to shift your thinking from the concrete work of coding, quality assurance, and hardware to more abstract levels. 在应用程序架构级别工作,要求您将思维方式从具体的编码、质量保证和硬件转向更为抽象的层次。
But once workers achieve a sufficient level of pay, they shift their focus from what their pay allows them to do to other focal points-such as how much their colleagues earn. 一旦员工的薪酬足够多,他们就开始把关注点从薪酬能让他们做些什么转移到其他方面了,比如其他同事赚多少钱。
But if the deflator is right and inflation is slowing from a much higher level than officially reported, the policy shift may not materialise, disappointing markets. 但如果平减指数是对的,通胀是在从远高于官方所公布数据的水平放缓,那么政策转变可能不会成为现实,投资者的愿望会落空。
Moving the software industry from a craftsman approach to a true engineering level of discipline is a major cultural shift. 将软件工业从一种手工(艺)匠方法向真正的训练有素的工程层次迈进实在是一种文化的转折、跃变。
The deflation we fear is a large slump in the price level and a permanent shift in price expectations. 我们担心的通缩是价格水平大幅下降,同时价格预期发生永久性转变。
The Andes will gain elevation over sea level from the pole shift due to Pacific subduction. 因为极移造成了太平洋收缩,安第斯山的海拔将会升高。
Audio watermarking that modulates DC level shift according to watermark has wonderful low pass and noise resistance performance. 根据水印调整直流电平偏移的音频水印算法具有很好的低通和抗噪性能。
Saudi Arabia's oil exports to the US last year sank below 1m barrels a day for the first time in two decades just as China's purchases climbed above that level, highlighting a shift in the geopolitics of oil from west to east. 去年,沙特阿拉伯对美国石油出口20年来首次降至每日100万桶的水平之下,与此同时,中国从沙特进口的石油增至100万桶之上,突显出石油地缘政治的中心从西向东转移。
By analytical and numerical calculations, stable region diagram of the energy state, wave functions and energy level shift are obtained. 通过解析与数值计算,给出了能态的稳定区图、波函数和能级移位。
The level of rural labor force shift is very low commonly, and regional difference is very ordinary. 农村劳动力转移水平普遍较低,地域分异明显,农村劳动力剩余量较大。
Level Shift Formula of Lithium in Rydberg States 锂原子里德伯态能级的位移公式
The variation of oscillation amplitude transition probability while the phase change is manifested as the level shift of atom. 振幅的变化描述跃迁几率,相位的变化体现为原子的能级移动。
In the experiments of ac Stark effect, the energy level shift of atoms is measured by use of the spectroscopy peak position shift of probe field. 在交流Stark效应的实验观测中,原子能级的移动是借助探测场谱线位置的移动来进行测量的。
Conclusion It suggests that urine level of 4A after work shift is a sensitive indicator for occupational exposure to TNT. 结论班后尿中4A含量是职业接触TNT生物监测的敏感指标。
Based on the comparison between the industry of Lang Fang and the average level of Hebei province via shift share analysis method, the industrial superiority and competition in Lang Fang are clarified ultimately. 从三次产业内部进行细分,将廊坊市各产业与河北省平均水平进行偏离份额对比分析,从而对廊坊市产业优势和竞争力进行综合评价。
HVIC with Coupled Level Shift Structure 基于耦合式电平位移结构的高压集成电路
An Improved Audio Watermarking Algorithm Based on DC Level Shift 一个改进的基于直流电平偏移的音频水印算法
The influence of relaxation course on AC-Zeeman ( Stark) level shift of atom 弛豫过程对能级ACZeeman(Stark)移动的影响
China's sulphuric acid industry in the new century will be characterized by large sized plants, strengthened sense of environmental protection, reform of raw material composition, all round raising of technological and equipment level and shift to energy plants. 新世纪中国硫酸工业的特点将是,装置规模大型化、环保意识进一步增强、原料结构合理重组、技术装备水平全方位提升,以及向能源工厂转型。
The revised formula for level shift voltage △ Vp at pixel electrode may explain some experimental data satisfactorily, which can not be done by traditional formula for △ Vp, so the ambiguous view on △ Vp mechanism is clarified. 通过对象素电极电压跳变公式的修正,圆满解释了先前的公式所不能解释的几个实验结果,从而澄清了对电压跳变机理的模糊认识。
Energy level shift in two-level systems induced by a laser pulse train 序列脉冲激光作用下双能级系统的移位
Core Level Chemical Shift for Silicon Surface Atoms 硅表面原子芯态能级的化学位移
And at the macro level, there are rhetorical shift and stylistic shift. 在宏观层面,翻译转换分为修辞转换和文体转换。
The reform caused that surpass 97% of the health business cost is provided by the local finance, especially by county level,, and the central and provincial level finance mainly implemented the limited shift payment. 改革的结果导致当前全国超过97%的卫生事业费支出都由地方财政提供,其中县级负担最重,中央及省级财政则主要实行有限的转移支付。
At the micro level, there are level shift, unit shift, class shift, structure shift and system shift. 在微观层面,翻译转换分为层次转换、单位转换、词性转换、结构转换和系统转换。
In this dissertation, We study on multi-access interference cancellation technology of fast frequency hopping multi-access/ multiple level shift keying ( FFH-MA/ MFSK) systems, to improve system capacity and performance as low complexity. 本论文就快跳频多址多频移键控(FFH-MA/MFSK)通信系统的多址干扰消除技术展开研究,力求以较低的算法复杂度达到提高通信系统容量和性能的目的。
Its immediate influence to the enterprise profit level, relates the industrial shift the success or not. 它直接影响到企业获利水平,更关系到产业转移的成功与否。
Variation of rural labor transfer performance, the transfer of rural labor to improve the overall educational level, age bias old shift from passive to active transfers. ( 2) Study the spatial difference Shaanxi rural labor transfer from the industry and the region launched. 农村劳动力转移变化特征表现为,转移农村劳动力文化水平整体提高、年龄偏老,由被动转移变为主动转移。(2)研究陕西省农村劳动力转移的空间差异从产业和地区两方面展开。